To Study Pollen Germination on Slide.
To study pollen Germanton on slide.
Glass slides, Coverslip, compound microscope, pencil, pen, notebook, fresh seasonal flowers, sucrose, boric acid, magnesium sulphate, potassium nitrate, beakers, glycerin. etc.
1. Take out the pistil from a flower and stain the isolated pistils with a prepared nutrient solution (This solution prepared by dissolving 10 g sucrose, 10 g boric acid, 30 mg magnesium sulphate and 20 mg potassium nitrate in 100 ml of water) and mount in glycerin.
2. After about 15-30 minutes, observe the slide under the low power lens of the microscope.
3. Pollen tubes coming out of the pollen grains will be observed.
1. The pollen grains represent the male gametophytes. On the glass slide, the pollen grain absorbs water and nutrients from the solution through its germ pores.
2. The tube or vegetative cell enlarges.
3. The vegetative cell comes out of the pollen grain through one of the germ pores to form a pollen tube.
4. The pollen tube is covered over by intine.
Viable pollen grains germinate in nutrient medium and give pollen tubes.
1. Use clean slide to observe the pollen grains.
2. Flowers should be freshly plucked.
3. Use dry slides and use 2 - 3 drops of nutrient medium without bubbles.
4. Focus on the tubes.
5. Study pollen grains carefully.
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