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Sample Question Paper for Biology for Class XI | Sample Paper Biology Class 11th






TIME: 90 MINUTES                                                                                M.M. : 35


Q1     Red Data Book are produced by


b) WWF


d) None of these

Q2     Which one of the following functions is carried out by green plants but not by animals?

a) excretion

b) growth

c) photosynthesis

d) respiration

Q3     IUCN stands for

a) Indian Union for Conservation of Nature

b) International Union for Conservation of Nature

c) Indian Union for Chemical Nomenclature

d) International Union for Conservation of Nutrients

Q4     In bacteria cell wall is formed of

a) chitin

b) murein

c) pectin

d) cellulose

Q5     Which of the following is a prokaryote?

a) Amoeba

b) Spirogyra

c) Bacteria

d) Chlamydomonas

Q6     The cell wall of eukaryotic organism is made up of

a) hemicellulose + pectin

b) hemicelluloses + pectin + cellulose

c) hemicellulose + lipids

d) hemicellulose + chitin

Q7     r-RNA is synthesized by

a) nucleus

b) nucleolus

c) cytoplasm

d) endoplasmic reticulum

Q8     The vacuole is lined by membrane called?

a) tonoplast

b) jacket

c) cell membrane

d) tonoplasm

Q9     Cristae are associated with

a) endoplasmic reticulum

b) mitochondria

c) cytoplasm

d) protoplasm

Q10   Site of protein synthesis

a) ribosome

b) SER

c) Golgi body

d) lysosome

Q11   Which is protein in nature?

a) cellulose

b) treeline

c) polythene

d) silk and wool

Q12   One turn of the helix in a B-form of DNA is approximately

a) 20nm

b) 0.34nm

c) 3.4nm

d) 2nm

Q13   In which one of the following sets of three items each belong to the category mentioned against them?

a) lysine, glycine, thiamine- amino acids

b) myosin, oxytocin and gastrin-hormones

c) rennin, helicase and hyaluronidase-enzymes

d) optic, oculomotor and valgus- sensory nerves

Q14   Enzymes, vitamins and hormones can be classified into a single category of biological chemicals because all of these

a) enhance oxidative metabolism

b) are conjugated proteins

c) are exclusively synthesized in the body of a living organism at present

d) help in regulating metabolism

Q15   Carbohydrates are most abundant biomolecules on earth are produced by

a) all bacteria, fungi and algae            

b) fungi, algae and green plant cells

c) some bacteria, algae and green plant cells 

d) viruses, fungi and bacteria

Q16   Which one of the following pairs of nitrogenous bases of nucleic acids is wrongly matched with the category mentioned against it?

a) guanine, adenine-purines

b) adenine, thymine- purines

c) thymine, uracil- pyrimidines

d) uracil, cytosine-pyrimidines

Q17   Starch is a polymer of

a) glucose

b) fructose

c) sucrose

d) maltose

Q18   Which one of the following is not an unsaturated fatty acid (essential)?

a) oleic acid

b) linoleic acid

c) linolenic acid

d) stearic acid

Q19   Identify the sulphur containing amino acid

a) proline

b) methionine

c) aspartic acid

d) tryptophan

Q20   Uracil is present in RNA at the place of

a) adenine

b) guanine

c) cytosine

d) thymine

Q21   Spindle fibres are made up of

a) tubulin

b) Humulin

c) intermediate filament

d) flagellin

Q22   In meiosis the chromosomes replicate during?

a) prophase

b) metaphase

c) anaphase

d) interphase

Q23   Chromosomes are visible with chromatids at one of the following phases of mitosis

a) interphase

b) prophase

c) metaphase

d) anaphase

Q24   Which of the following sequence is a correct one for a meiotic cell cycle?

a) G1-S-G2-M-G1

b) G1-G2-S-M-G2

c) G2-S-G1-M-G2

d) S-G1-G2-M-S

Q25   Crossing over occurs during

a) leptotene

b) zygotene

c) pachytene

d) diplotene

Assertion- Reason type Questions

Directions (Q No. 26-30): Each of the following questions consists of two comments one is Assertion (A) and the other is Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes a, b, c and d as given below:

A Both Assertion and Reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

B Both Assertion and Reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.

C Assertion is true but reason is false.

D Both assertion and reason are false.

Q26   Assertion (A): Karyotypic analysis is scientific study of complete chromosome complement of an individual.

Reason (R): Karyotypic analysis can be used to diagnose the pre-natal chromosomal disorders

Q27   Assertion (A): reduction division occurs in Anaphase-I

Reason (R): Meiosis-II occurs to separate homologous chromosomes

Q28   Assertion (A): Proteins are linear polymers of long chains made up of amino acids

Reason (R): Amino acids are called building blocks of proteins

Q29   Assertion (A): Very low temperature causes permanent denaturation of enzymes

Reason (R): Very low temperature breaks the disulphide bonds of enzymes

Q30   Assertion (A): Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids

Reason (R): Nucleotides are also components of energy carriers and coenzymes

Q31   Cell membrane is

a) semipermeable

b) permeable

c) selectively permeable

d) impermeable

Q32   Plasma membrane helps in

a) osmoregulation

b) protein synthesise

c) nucleic acid synthesis

d) transportation of only water in and out of cell

Q33   Middle lamella contains

a) chitin

b) lignin

c) pectin

d) cellulose

Q34   In which of the following solution volume of a cell increases?

a) suoertonic

b) isotonic

c) hypotonic

d) hypertonic

Q35   The core metal of chlorophyll is

a) fe

b) Cu

c) Ni

d) Mg

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